First image:
20-2458 SKA_01

Skals School and Daycare Centre


The project involves the renovation and expansion of an existing school, along with the construction of a new integrated daycare facility. Both the school and daycare will be consolidated on the school’s premises to form a unified ‘House for Children’.

The new layout of Skals School and Daycare Centre is based on the idea of a single building that facilitates children from the time they enter the nursery until they graduate. The underlying principle of ‘communities within the community’ is applied both inside and outside the building. This results in a building that boasts a wide range of shared facilities, including the four houses: the House of Community, the House of Inspiration, the House of Handicraft, and the House of Nature, which are shared by both children and adults.

The areas dedicated to the youngest children attending early primary education and the daycare centre are situated near each other to enable the sharing of outdoor spaces. Furthermore, the daycare facility has its own common space, while the individual nursery rooms have their own individual communities.

Connected to the school, the new daycare centre serves as a shared central building that accommodates the House of Community and the House of Inspiration, emphasizing on togetherness and collaboration.

The House of Nature and the House of Handicraft are located in two existing pavilions, with each space designed specifically for the activities taking place both indoors and in the new didactic outdoor area, which serves as the experimental area for the school.

The lower secondary education is housed in the ‘Thinking Vault’, a transformation of an old bank building. The building serves as the base for students, the local library, and home care facilities, becoming the central hub of the town where the local residents can interact with one another.

  1. Bygherre:
    Viborg Kommune
  2. Samarbejdspartnere:
    Orbicon A/S, NERD architects, TT Byggeledelse
  3. Adresse:
    Gl. Skolevej 1, 8832 Skals
  4. Byggesum:
    100 mio.
  5. Areal:
    4.500 m2
  6. År:
  7. Ydelser:
    Full-service consultancy

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