First image:
08-1602 FRE_19

Frederiksbjerg School


Frederiksbjerg School is a new primary school located in the heart of the Frederiksbjerg Neighborhood, Aarhus. An outdated school was demolished on the site. The old brickwork was recycled and used to create an evocative and sustainable façade of the new school. The building layout of the school is carried out so that it is orientated towards the surroundings as an invitation to the neighborhood. The outdoor facilities are designed as a playscape of learning spaces for the children during school time. At the same time the playgrounds are accessible to anyone and offer by such an oasis to the neighbors.

Main entrance is located on the corner of Ingerslevs Boulevard and Skt. Anna Gade. A roof covered square with columns and different levels invites you into the building and makes a seamless transition between indoors and outdoors.

The building includes two main sections. One primarily dominated by school related functions. The other contains functions that are also in public use such as café and sports facilities e.g.

Within the building the different levels are linked together by a central located atrium. The atrium ties together clusters, learning hubs and public facilities in exciting spatial sequences. 


Årets Byggeri 2016

Årets skolebyggeri 2016

Aarhus Kommunes arkitekturpris 2017

AZ Award of Merit, vinder i kategorien; Innovative og inspirerende byggerier over 1000 m²

Danish Design Award, finalist 2017

Images by ©Hufton+Crow.

  1. Bygherre:
    Municipality of Aarhus
  2. Samarbejdspartnere:
    Hoffmann A/S, Niras A/S, Henning Larsen Architects, Kari Moseng, Møller & Grønborg A/S
  3. Adresse:
    Ingerslevs Boulevard, 8000 Aarhus C
  4. Byggesum:
    232 mio.
  5. Areal:
    14.000 m2
  6. År:
  7. Præmiering:
    1. price

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